Success Stories

2020 has been a difficult learning period for all of us, The Law Offices of Charles P. Fox included. We began the pandemic period struggling with Zoom calls, Google Meets and old fashioned telephone calls trying to figure out how to best advocate for our special needs students who were learning remotely, with various degrees of success (or not). By April we were hosting parent seminars on remote learning and the IDEA.

By September, we had all learned new tricks, rearranged our homes, bought ring lights and continued the zealous advocacy that has always been a strength of the office, remote or not. We also undertook our first remote hearing in September. Years of experience with District 41 had convinced us that it was failing to provide a FAPE to dyslexic students. Over three days of a hybrid socially distanced/Zoom hearing, we presented the case of one student to an ISBE Hearing Officer. She ruled in favor of the family and ordered the student be placed where she could be provided a free, appropriate, public education, Hyde Park Day School. The number of years the Hearing Officer ordered that the student be placed at HPDS speaks to the length and breadth of the district's denial of FAPE to this student. We continue to be gratified by the family's strength to fight for their student and the Hearing Officer's decision finding that D41 had failed to provide a FAPE.

Please read about it here.

The Office continues to offer Zoom consults and is fully participating in all aspects of the IEP process, all aspects of due process requests, and guardianship proceedings. Please call us for more information.